October 14, 2024

Sacred Pregnancy Energy by Trimester

Sacred Pregnancy Energy by Trimester 


In pregnancy, an energetic fullness gathers. You will be transformed by the child unfolding in your center. Oftentimes it means initiating other significant changes in your life. Even as you consider making decisions for what’s to come, listen to your own center and draw upon the ancient wisdom that resides there to engage the mystery at each step. Let’s look into the sacred pregnancy energy by trimester:


First Trimester: A Star Unfolding 


With each pregnancy, I experienced a moment where I felt a tingling in my center as if a tiny cosmos were unfolding. In fact, it was. The fertilized egg travels to the womb and finds a place to land. The womb cradles the precious new life, and the star inside unfolds, drawing upon the potent life-force energy.

Though the medical establishment would have women go about their business during the first trimester, I disagree. The first trimester is a delicate time. The cells are fragile, and the bond between the early hint of baby and womb is still tenuous.

It’s wise to rest, shelter yourself, and let life take hold. Slow your pace from running to walking. Unless it’s summer, keep your pelvis and womb covered with layers for warmth. Read books, eat well, stay hydrated, and rest. Nausea also serves to slow us down.

Let yourself enter the dreamy state that pregnancy invites. Pregnancy represents a nine-month journey to the birth point, and there’s a corresponding journey during which you leave the linear and logical world behind. For some, this is upsetting because their lives are rooted in a linear construct that corresponds to being organized and structured. For others, they’re happy to leave behind the boxes that were too limiting anyway. Either way, shed the old and embrace what comes.

The first trimester carries a hint of the sweetness coming to you, but it can also make you feel unmoored. As with any major transition, there’s a natural vulnerability in the process of shedding former structures, identities, and energy patterns. You also feel more vulnerable because your energy fields are more open to receiving the incoming energy of pregnancy and a new being, sensitizing you to everything.

Because many miscarriages occur during this time, early pregnancy can feel tenuous in other ways. A woman may hesitate to bond with the baby in her center until she is assured she will stay. However, faith requires opening to what is without knowing the outcome. Let yourself receive the blessing in your center.


Second Trimester: Taking Root 


In the second trimester, the baby and womb have made a more secure connection. The pregnancy is taking root, and you may feel strong and energized by your growing belly. Fears may arise or, alternately, life may seem bright with potential as the pregnancy unfolds, each one uniquely.

This is the period to savor the pregnancy experience. Join a community of pregnant women, whether by taking prenatal yoga, prenatal water aerobics, or a birth class. Prepare the baby’s room and read books about birth and parenting.

Getting in shape physically will assist your body in birthing. In the second trimester, you may have more capacity to do so. But be careful about vigorous exercise as your pregnant body is less able to discharge heat and the fetus is vulnerable to high body temperatures.

Yoga is beneficial for relaxation, core strength, and overall flexibility but should be modified during pregnancy and nursing, as hormones cause laxity in joints and connective tissues, making ligaments prone to overstretching. This laxity helps your body accommodate a growing pregnancy and ease the birthing process, but care should be taken to avoid injury. Water aerobics allows you to exercise with the support of water, and the water also dissipates excess body heat. Walking helps increase overall health and vigor.

It’s important to avoid sitting for long periods and to rest by lying on your side rather than leaning back on the couch. Sitting back tilts the pelvis and potentially shifts the baby into a posterior position, rather than the optimal anterior position, which aligns the baby’s head and body to move more easily through the mother’s pelvis while birthing.


Third Trimester: Moving toward the Spirit Door 


As you enter the third trimester, you’re moving closer toward the spirit door. This is the time for you to prune away excess commitments and clear a wide space on your schedule in order to feel unpressured and fully able to enjoy the birth and postpartum period.

Pregnancy and birth are bodily events, rooted in the core of the body. The more you can connect to your body and the physical and energetic expansion that’s unfolding, the better prepared you are to access the resources there. By the third trimester, there can be discomfort and a sense that pregnancy will never end. Staying with the sensations of discomfort and even finding your way to pleasure will enhance your ability to do so in labor. The exquisite expansion necessary for birth is assisted by moving toward rather than away from its intensity.

I have come to understand the spirit door as an opening in the energetic field. The birth is not only of the baby’s body but also of this soul’s life essence and the energetic information to provide mothering and care. Because modern culture lives largely separate from the natural rhythms of the earth, we’ve mostly forgotten the spiritual and energetic aspects of birth as well as death. These life and death processes are related: the energy moves in for life with our first inhale, or moves out in death with our last breath. By waking up to the energy potential in our bodies as women, we can assist the culture in remembering the truth of our entry as spirit embodied.

The first time I went to the spirit door to give birth, I felt a rush of excitement to meet my child and recalibrate my life. More than a decade later, having been there several times now in birth and miscarriage and when working on the alignment of the spirit door with women, I know that this is truly a divine process.

As women, our bodies directly download the sacred information for each soul. Prepare to witness nothing less than this in your own journey.




Tami Lynn Kent is a women’s health physical therapist and the founder of Holistic Pelvic CareTM, where she utilizes her ability to read energetic patterns of the body. Kent maintains a private practice and an international training program in Portland, Oregon. She has authored three previous books. Her latest, Wild Mothering: Finding Power, Spirit, and Joy in Birth and a Creative Motherhood (Atria Books, May 7, 2024), is a newly updated edition of her classic, Mothering from Your Center. Learn more at  www.wildfeminine.com.



Photo by Victor Molina

Pregnant woman in autumn leaves and red dress

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