Hospital Bag Checklist

Hospital Bag Checklist You know what items you need on a daily basis. If you were stuck on an island all alone, what three luxury items would you choose to bring with you? Now, imagine heading off to the hospital or a birth center. What would you need to have on your hospital bag […]
Breastfeeding Facts You Might Not Know

Fascinating Breastfeeding Facts You Might Not Know: In the mother, breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and postpartum depression. Breastfeeding is not a sure way to prevent pregnancy. The flavor of breast milk changes depending on what the mother eats. This exposes the baby to a […]
Making Tummy Time Fun

Not every baby enjoys tummy time. It is really a lot of hard work learning how to fight gravity for the first time. Rachel Coley, a pediatric occupational therapist, shares her tips on how to make tummy time fun. Change the way you place baby in tummy time Begin Tummy Time with your baby on […]